Monday, August 07, 2006

VBS 2006: Jesus is Coming Soon!

It has been a busy couple of days/weeks for me with our church concert and fashion show, my sister's wedding and the start of VBS being the 05, 06 and 07 August 2006. I guess you won't be surprised then when i tell you that even though the VBS was supposed to start at 10.00 am, at 10.45 am i was being roused from sound sleep by my sister who could not believe that i had overslept. Thank goodness I was not solely responsible for carrying on the VBS so by the time i had whipped my sleepy butt into shape it was in full swing.

Our theme this year is Jesus is Coming Soon! I had wondered if this might be too heavy for the kids but i think if it's important that they understand that our Lord and Saviour will return again for us. Today's lesson dealt with who Jesus is and we showed a movie (animated) that depicted his death and resurrection.

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